NRH works to keep your health care screenings, immunizations and prescriptions up-to-date with reminders via calls, emails, and/or text reminders. Questions relayed via your patient portal are answered quickly.

Keeping up with suggested health screenings, scheduled provider appointments, and taking your medicine as prescribed are the three primary ways you may stay healthy.
- Suggested health screenings such as pap smears, colonoscopies, mammograms, and others will help you keep ahead of any major health challenges. Each screening result over a period of time helps your provider keep track of similarities and differences from test to test, which may save your life.
- Regular appointments with your provider give him/her a continual record of your health from year to year.

Lab work, weight, blood pressure and other parts of an exam depict your health, and show providers changes which may precede a health challenge. Don’t forget that hearing, dental and vision appointments should be part of a regular health regiment.
- Medication is meant to be taken as directed, not shared with others, not skipped, and not cut down. If you have side effects with medications, talk to your provider and your pharmacist, who may suggest alternative brands or doses. NRH pharmacies offer a Dis-Pill package system at no cost, so you may take your medicines properly.