Of course, we care for the men in our lives, but we also know the women of a home put children, spouse and parents before themselves when it comes to health care. We encourage women of all ages to set up an appointment with a provider, so we have a current family history, an updated profile and a completed physical. Annual screenings, immunizations, chronic illness prevention or management will keep you healthy for yourself and your family. Take the time to visit one of our behavioral health counselors as well. Sometimes a change in physical health may trigger a reaction you may not understand is normal. And, symptoms of depression, anxiety or listlessness may connect back to a physical issue and/or a medication. Keep yourself healthy by investing time in your health care. Most insurances are accepted, and a sliding fee applies for those who qualify.

Start a new life in a healthy way with compassionate prenatal and pediatric care at New River Health. Our providers will take care of you as your baby develops, and after he or she is born. Regular visits throughout nine months continue after delivery, so you stay healthy, physically and emotionally. We offer all immunizations throughout your child’s life, and keep you up-to-date as well. Our staff works within New River Health and with others in the area to make certain all your needs, and your child’s, are met. And, we can keep track of your child’s dental care in one of our two dental offices. When your child enters school, you may find New River Health services in that school. NRH maintains full service health care sites in Fayette, Nicholas and Raleigh Counties.

Parents As Teachers
Parents As Teachers (PAT), formerly known as MIHOW, visits the homes of pregnant moms and families with children under 5 years old to offer assistance with parenting skills, nutrition, child development questions, healthy lifestyles, benefits and more. With the new challenge of COVID, these home visitors continue their work virtually, via telephone and/or in small group sessions. PAT keeps families informed about state and local programs and resources, as well as hosting events and trainings. Follow PAT on Facebook. And, for special support, follow their Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness group on social media.
Please bring any other pertinent health information to your first visit, so we may scan those items into your chart.
Questions? Call 304-469-2905 ext 3318.